Thank you for visiting my website
for Trauma Recovery Coaching and other modalities of healing and empowerment.

Are you ready to move past your trauma and embody the gifts of your wounds? Are you ready to move into your next level of your personal power?

I am very passionate in supporting and walking side by side as a peer, guide and mentor with men and women who have experienced childhood abuse of many forms and neglect. As a complex trauma survivor and thriver, I work with you in creating healthy and empowering ways to navigate your daily life – emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

My complex trauma has led me to many deep healing and transformational paths.  As a survivor and thriver, the deep learning and healing of myself has helped me answer the call to inspire and support you on your healing journey.  

The first step is a free 1/2 hour discovery call on zoom or phone. (We’ll get to know each other, discover intentions of what your needs are and go through three initial client forms).

For your free 1/2 hour discovery session go to:

I work on zoom, with people from all over the world. I can see people who live on Maui in person if needed.

For a paid session go to: to schedule Trauma Recovery Coaching, Spiritual Mentorship. Please call or text 206.697.1357 for Soul Retrieval.

Thank you for visiting my website!

In Gratitude and Service,

Sam Garcia Jr., CSP, CTRC
